About the Craftybase report

Learn about the reporting capabilities of Craftybase.

Our powerful reports give you complete visibility of your production process so you can make better business decisions. 

We'll cover:

Accessing reports 

To access the reports area, click on the Reports tab in the top menu.

Basic vs. Advanced reports 

Basic stock and inventory valuation reporting is available across all plans, whereas more advanced reports are only available on our Studio and above plans (Learn more about our plans). Our reports and the plans they are available in are detailed below.

What types of reports are available? 

  • Material reports 

Material reports focus on your material stock levels and valuations.

Material reorder All plans All active materials are either out of stock or marked as having low-stock
Material adjustments summary Studio+ Summary of all manual adjustments made to materials within a selected date range
Material inventory worksheet All plans Manually record current material stock available. Used when backdating your stock into Craftybase or for any periodic stocktake
Material valuation summary All plans Value of your material stock on hand on the first and last date of a selected date range
Material traceability Indie+ All manufactures, expenses and orders associated with a particular material and lot number
  • Product reports 

Product inventory worksheet All plans

Manually recording current product stock available

Used when backdating your stock into Craftybase or for any periodic stocktake

Product stock All plans All products and variations for a specific stock level status
Product adjustment Studio+ Summary of all manual adjustments made to products
Most popular products Studio+ All products sold are ordered by the number of units sold for each one
Top revenue generators Studio+ All products sold ordered by best grossing products
Product pricelist Studio+ Current configured price for each of your products and variations
Product location Studio+ All products for a specific location
  • Order reports 

Orders summary Studio+ Breakdown of all orders placed within a selected date range
Orders by category All plans Breakdown of all orders placed within a selected date range by category
Orders by margin Studio+ Calculated margins based on your manufacture and expense data for each order
Taxable status summary Studio+ Breakdown of total revenue by taxable or non-taxable status.
Orders by customer location Studio+ Breakdown of total revenue by customer location
Orders by integration Studio+ Breakdown of total orders placed within a selected date range by Integration
Order manufacture picklist Studio+ Current and projected stock levels for all materials required to produce all products for a specified order or for orders within a specific date range
  • Manufacture reports 

Manufacture summary All plans Number of products made and corresponding material and labor costs within a selected date range
Manufacture picklist Studio+ Shows the current and projected stock levels for all materials within a specified product or variation. This report is useful for checking how many products can be made using the current stock available.
Order manufacture picklist Studio+ Current and projected stock levels for all materials required to produce all products for a specified order or orders within a specified date range
  • Other reports 

Sales and expenditure All plans Total order revenue and expense for a specific period of time
Profit and loss Studio+ Total income and total expenditure for a specific time period
Schedule C guidance Studio+ Provides tallies you need in order to complete an IRS Form 1040 Schedule C
Expenses by category All plans Category breakdown of expenses logged in a specific time period
Customers (Frequency) All plans Customers that have purchased from you by their total number of orders
Customers (Revenue) All plans Customers that have purchased from you by the amount of revenue they have generated

Downloading and exporting reports 

All of our reports can be exported to both PDF and CSV. The PDF file is a formatted view of your report, and the CSV file displays raw data you can view using your preferred spreadsheet app.

Get help

If you're having trouble with creating or using a report, contact Craftybase Support for help.

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