About the Manufacture Summary report

The Manufactures Summary Report shows how many items you made between two dates and how much in materials and labor it costs you to produce.

Note: Only Product manufactures are shown in this report, component material costs are costed into product manufactures so are not shown separately.

We'll cover

How to find this report:

  1. Navigate to your Reports page

  2. Click on the Manufacture Summary report under the Manufactures heading. 

To run this report:

  1. Select the date range you wish to view from the Date Range boxes.
  2. Select the Run Report button.

Report Breakdown:

The chart visualization displays a comparison between the amount of materials and internal labor utilized during the selected time period. Beneath the chart, a table will be presented that breaks down the total items produced, along with the production time, material expenses, and internal labor expenses. Each of these figures will exhibit the total for the selected time period, along with an average, minimum, and maximum figure per batch.

Total Items Made The total number of items manufactured in the selected time period.
Total Production Time The total, in minutes, spent manufacturing products in the selected time period.
Total Material Cost The total cost of all materials used in the manufactures for the selected time period.
Total Internal Labor Cost The total production time multiplied by your hourly labor rate, for the selected time period.
Average Items Made The total number of items made divided by the number of manufactures entered for the selected time period.
Average Production Time The average time it took to create the products within the selected time period.
Average Material Cost The average cost of the materials used to create the manufactures within the selected period of time.
Average Internal Labor Cost The average internal labor costs for the manufactures for the selected time period.
Min Items Made The smallest number of items made within one manufacture, for the selected time period.
Min Production Time The average internal labor costs for the manufactures for the selected time period.
Min Material Cost The lowest cost for materials within a single manufacture for the selected time period.
Min Internal Labor Cost The shortest production time within a single manufacture, multiplied by the labor rate.
Max Items Made The largest number of items made within a single manufacture, for the selected time period.
Max Production Time The largest amount of time, in minutes, spent manufacturing products within a single manufacture entry in the selected time period.
Max Material Cost The highest cost for materials within a single manufacture for the selected time period.
Max Internal Labor Cost The longest production time within a single manufacture, multiplied by the labor rate.

This report can be downloaded as a print-friendly PDF or a CSV in a spreadsheet for further analysis.

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