About the Material Traceability report

The Material Traceability Report lists all manufactures, purchases and orders associated with a particular material and lot number. This report is useful for generating a list of products and manufactures for recalls or quality control purposes.

This report is only available in our INDIE plans.

We'll cover

How to find this report:

  1. Navigate to your Reports page

  2. Click on the Material Traceability Summary under the Materials heading.

To run this report:

  1. Select the material from the Material search box by typing the first couple of characters of your material's name or SKU
  2. Enter the Lot Number in the box immediately to the right. Once you have completed both fields,
  3. Click the Run Report button to generate the results. 

How to interpret the results of this report:

The report will return with three headings. Under each heading, there will be a table with any data matching the material and lot number you entered in the query.

  • Purchases: This section will show any purchases of the material for which you have logged the matching lot number. It also shows you your originating purchase for the batch.
  • Manufactures: This section shows all the manufacturers in which you have used this material and have also logged the Lot Number specified in the search. It shows your manufacture history for the batch.
  • Orders: This section shows all orders linked to any of the manufacturers found in the Manufactures section above. It essentially shows a list of all orders containing the material with the specified lot number.

Read our blog post here for more details on How traceability is important for your small manufacturing business.

This report can be downloaded as a print-friendly PDF or a CSV in a spreadsheet for further analysis.

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