About the Material Valuation Summary report

The Material Valuation Summary report shows you the value of your material and component stock on hand on the first and last date of a selected date range.

This report can help calculate your on-hand material value at the end of a financial year.

This report is available in all plans.

We'll cover

Finding this report:

  1. Navigate to your Reports page

  2. Click on the Material Valuation Summary under the Materials section. 

Running this report:

  1. Select the date range from the Date Range boxes.
  2. Click the Run Report button.

The report will appear with a Starting and Ending Value for each of your material and component categories (explained in more detail below), along with a grand total of material value for all categories, your unsold stock value, and finally, the grand total of all materials.

Note: For this report, components are considered part of your material inventory and are included in all calculations.

Report Breakdown

Category Category of your materials
Starting Value

This is the sum of actual unit prices for all Starting Quantity Adjustments plus all Material Inventory Adjustments created up to the first date in the date range selected. This will include all Manufactures and Purchases related to Materials within the period selected.

Note: If you have any starting inventory adjustments, these don't have a date associated, so they are always assumed to be the starting inventory no matter how far back in the date range you go. If you want to have these adjustments appear only within a specific date range, what you'll need to do is find and set these starting adjustments to zero and then create a material Purchase instead to account for the increase in stock.

Ending Value This is the sum of all Starting Quantity Adjustments for materials and components, plus all Inventory Adjustments created up to the last date in the date range selected. It uses the same calculation as the Starting Value (outlined above).

Grand totals

Material Value This is the total value of all raw materials and components on the starting and ending dates, including any uncategorized stock.
Unsold Product Value This is the total of all finished products currently held in stock. Stock leaves your material asset totals when shipped (not when sold), so a proportion of your finished product may be sold but still unshipped.
Total Value This is the sum of your Material Value and Unsold Product Value.

This report can be downloaded as a print-friendly PDF or a CSV in a spreadsheet for further analysis.

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