Craftybase Updates

Check out our newest features and enhancements below:

Associate your listings with products and variations

We've enhanced our Relink Listing functionality to allow for listings to be associated with a product or a variation - this is a huge step in providing more flexibility to the way you structure your inventory vs your products on your sales channels.

Take a look at our article here for more details: Relink Listings

Quickly import your components in bulk via spreadsheet

It's now possible to import your components in bulk via our new CSV importer tool. This tool will allow you to create lists of your components to import directly in a spreadsheet, map them to our fields in Craftybase, and then import them in a single go—saving you valuable time and effort in getting your components in place.

More details, including a sample template structure and step-by-step instructions can be found in our updated help article here: Importing components

Stock Level Rules: more flexibility for your automanufacturing workflows

We've just released a new configuration setting designed to give you much more flexibility your automanufacturing workflows.

Our new Stock Level Rule feature effectively gives you more control over when auto-manufactures are created based on your product's available stock levels.

What this means: you can now nominate if you would like an automanufacture created only when the product is out of stock, or if you'd like automanufactures to be created regardless of stock levels.

This feature is available for our Business+ subscribers.

More information about this feature can be found here

Sales Channels are becoming Integrations

As of February 2024, Sales Channels are becoming Integrations. This change is in preparation for our future integration with Quickbooks and will house all E-commerce and Accounting integrations going forward.

For now, all functionality around sales channels will work the same as usual - the only change at this stage is naming. We'll be working on updating our tutorials, videos, and help articles to reflect this change over the coming weeks. If you have any questions about this change, please get in touch!

Assign manufactures to your shop floor team

Our newest enhancement allows you to assign any manufacture to a specific user in your account. This provides you with the ability to more closely track who is working on which batch, and in conjunction with our new production status feature give you a more complete picture of your production process.

You can also use our new Assignee filter on the Manufactures list view page to quickly filter manufactures by assignee to see exactly who is working on each manufacture and progress made.

Read more about how to assign manufactures here

Manufacture picklists now factor in your existing product stock levels

We've also enhanced our popular Order Manufacture Picklist Report to factor in your current product on hand stock levels into the required materials calculations.

This means that the report can be used to create a comprehensive list of materials required to fulfil your order(s) based on your current product stock levels.

This setting can also be toggled on or off, to provide you with the complete flexibility you need for your manufacturing workflows.

Read more about how to factor in your on hand product stock here

Better tools to keep track of your materials on order

We've created a bunch of powerful new tracking abilities on your material purchases: see at a glance what is due to arrive this week, which material deliveries are behind schedule, and more using our purchase filtering improvements.

Read more about Purchase ETAs here

Bulk import your material purchases via CSV

We've made an enhancement to our purchase CSV importer to allow you to automatically associate a purchase with a material: making it super simple to create your material purchases in bulk.

You'll now find three new fields available over on your Expense importer mapping page: SKU, name and lot number.

More details about importing purchases

Configure auto manufacturing for specific variations

It's now possible to create situations where specific variations are configured to automanufacture. This is great for situations where you have different maker workflows for the same product.

Read more about this change

Production statuses for your manufactures

Our new production status feature allows you to track the progress of your manufactures in a granular way, from Not Started, In Progress right through to Completed.

This allows you to use our Manufactures feature to create work orders for your team: material and product stock changes will only be made when a manufacture is marked as Completed.

Our new production status feature gives you the control to create manufactures before you make them.

For manufactures that have not been Completed, your manufacture screen will now display the available and required amounts for all materials - allowing you to see at a glance any stock deficiencies and take action where necessary.

More details on our production status feature

Summaries of your material purchasing and usage

A summary of your usage and purchasing activity can now be found on your material page. This provides a view of the rate which you purchase and manufacture with this particular material.

This data can also be helpful when creating inventory forecasts (i.e. planning ahead for future purchases and manufacturing).

Read more about this change here

Your Order Manufacture Picklist Report now handles multiple orders

The Order Manufacture Picklist report now generates material fulfillment details for multiple orders at once. To select multiple orders to include in your Order Manufacture Picklist Report, pick the desired date range you'd like to include and click Run Report- it's that simple! 

About the order manufacture picklist report

Keep track of your material purchases with Expected Delivery Dates (ETAs)

Expected delivery dates allow you to keep track of when you'll receive your POs of materials and allows you to identify late deliveries at a glance.

Check out a walk-through of this feature and more details below!

About Expected Delivery Dates (ETAs)

See your materials in transit using On Order counts

Marking a Material Expense as Not Received will add your purchased materials to the On Order count on your material summary page and your individual material pages. Once you receive your delivery, edit your PO, and that amount will move over to your On Hand material count.

Check out more details below:

Handling materials not yet received →

The new On Order column displays on your Materials list page

Our new UI begins to roll out across your sign-in and settings pages

We have begun to roll out our new UI architecture and technology from May. Our first areas to tackle have been your sign-in and settings pages.

This new look will slowly roll out across the rest of CB as we complete and test each section. If you have any feedback on the new look, please let us know!

Our new look forms

Expenses are now Purchases

As of June 22nd, your Expenses tab became "Purchases." This change will enable us to continue building forward with further functionality around how purchases work in Craftybase and also allows us to simplify the UX around receiving your materials: the aim is to make receiving and tracking your POs faster and easier.

Expenses become Purchases.

For now, all functionality around expenses works precisely the same as usual - the only change at this stage is naming. We'll be working on updating our tutorials, videos, and help articles to reflect this change over the coming weeks. If you have any questions about this change, please do get in touch!

Default production statuses for automanufactures

From this week, you can now configure the default production status for all auto manufactures, giving you more flexibility with handling your workflows.

This change means that auto manufactures can be created using any initial starting status you wish, from Not Started to Completed.
We're finding this feature to be particularly useful for situations where manufacturing orders need to be created based on received orders. This now gives you an automatic workflow to generate the MOs you need to make.
This feature is now available for all subscribers on our Business+ plans.
Our KB has been updated with details on how you can configure this new setting to start using it in your workflows here:

About manufacture production statuses

Please contact us if you have any questions about getting started with this feature. We're always happy to help!
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