Connect your Etsy Shop

To connect your Etsy account with Craftybase:

  1. Go to your Integration page (How do I find my Integration page?)
  2. On the page that appears, click the Add Account button inside the Etsy integration section.

This will take you through the authentication process on Etsy's side. Ensure that you click the Accept button on the Etsy page to authorize Craftybase to access your data (Why do I have to give Craftybase access to my Etsy data?).

When successfully authenticated, you will be returned to your Integration list page, and your Etsy shop should now appear in the list.

We request only the minimum of access that we require in order to offer our service and can only access data that you have granted us access to. We request only "read-only" access to your Etsy account, meaning that we have no ability to change your data from our side. Additionally, our access to your data can be revoked by you at any time.

Adding more than one Etsy store to Craftybase

Once your Etsy integration connection has been activated, you can add as many shops as you need to Craftybase.

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