About material inventory adjustments
Learn about material inventory adjustments and how they calculate your real-time inventory and stock costs.
In this article, we'll cover:
- What is a material inventory adjustment?
- Automatic adjustments
- Manual adjustments
- Starting adjustments
- Viewing adjustment histories
- Exporting your adjustment history
- Troubleshooting issues
What is a Material Inventory Adjustment?
An adjustment is created whenever a material's stock level changes. This provides a fully auditable history of all stock changes for every material in your inventory and is how Craftybase calculates your current stock levels and costs.
Adjustments can be either automatically or manually created.
Automatic adjustments
Situations where an adjustment will be automatically created are:
- Purchase adjustments: When a purchase is added for a material, an adjustment will be automatically added to increase your stock by the purchased amount;
- Manufacture adjustments: When a manufacture is added for a material, an adjustment will be automatically added to decrease your stock by the used amount;
- Stocktake adjustments: When a stocktake is performed for a material, an adjustment will be automatically added for any difference between expected and actual stock;
- Starting adjustments: When a material is created, a starting adjustment will also be created to represent the starting stock quantity and cost on the account start date.
Manual adjustments
It is also possible to add manual adjustments where required. This should only be done if the stock cannot be accounted for via the methods above. For example, if I had an unexpected breakage of a quantity of materials, adding an adjustment to remove the stock from my inventory would be the best way to handle this situation.
It's important to note that stock should not be added to the system using inventory adjustments unless there is a valid and specific reason to do so—as the stock is unaccounted for, it will remain uncosted and could contribute to lowered manufacturing costs.
In this section, we will cover:
Adding a manual adjustment for a material
To create a stock adjustment for a material:
- Navigate to your Material’s summary page.
- Click the Adjustments tab.
- On the page that appears, click the Add Adjustment button.
- Complete the details for the adjustment being made on the form that appears.
Changing a manual adjustment for a material
To edit an existing adjustment for a material:
- Navigate to the material you wish to edit the adjustment for
- Click the Adjustments tab.
- On the page that appears, hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) next to the adjustment, then click the Edit Adjustment option in the menu that appears
- On the form, modify the details for the adjustment being made
- Click the Save button.
Removing a manual adjustment for a material
To delete an existing adjustment for a material:
- Navigate to the material you wish to remove the adjustment for
- Click the Adjustments tab.
- On the page that appears, hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) next to the adjustment, then click the Remove Adjustment option in the menu that appears
- Review and confirm you wish to remove the adjustment by clicking on the Yes, Remove button on the page that appears.
Starting material adjustments
An important type of material adjustment is a Starting Adjustment. This is a one-off adjustment to handle any stock you had on hand and their cost on your account start date.
It is automatically added when a material is created or imported.
In this section, we will cover:
Adding a starting adjustment for a new material
To add a starting adjustment for a material:
- Follow the instructions to add a new material
- On the add material form, complete the Starting Adjustment and Average Unit Cost fields under the Starting Adjustment heading.
The information you provide in this section will be used to automatically create your starting adjustment for the material.
Changing a starting adjustment for an existing material
1. Navigate to your Materials list page and select the material you wish to edit
2. Select the Adjustments tab
- On the page that appears, scroll or page to find the "Starting" adjustment
- Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) next to the adjustment, then click the Edit Adjustment option in the menu that appears
4. Enter the unit price and quantity in the form that appears
5. Click Save Inventory Adjustment to confirm your changes
Viewing material adjustment histories
It's important to regularly check your adjustment history to identify any discrepancies or possible data entry issues.
Viewing the adjustment history for a material
To view a list of all adjustments (both automatically created and manually created) for a material:
- From the Material list page, click on the name of the material you want to view
- On the page that appears, click the Adjustments tab
Viewing the complete adjustment history for all materials
Your Material Adjustments page contains all inventory adjustments for materials. For further analysis, you can view, paginate, and export your adjustments on this page.
To find your material adjustments page:
1. Hover on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) option in the top navigation bar, then click on the Adjustments option in the menu.
Select Material Adjustments on the page that appears
- The page that appears is your material adjustment history.
Exporting your adjustment history
You can export some or all of your material adjustment history via our Export feature.
To export your material adjustments:
- Navigate to your Material Adjustments list
Click the Export icon on the footer of the page
- Once the file has been generated, it will be available for download in your Notifications area.
- Click on the Download export link to download the file.
Your Material Adjustments export file contains the following fields:
Date | The date the inventory adjustment was made. |
SKU | The unique identifier (Stock Keeping Unit) for the material. |
Material Name | The name of the material being adjusted. |
Quantity | The total quantity adjusted during the transaction. |
Unit Price | The unit price originally recorded for the material. |
Actual Unit Price | The updated unit price after the adjustment. |
Reason | The reason selected for making the adjustment (e.g., error correction, stock loss). |
Notes | Any additional details or context provided for the adjustment. |
Adjuster | Action that triggered the adjustment. |
Category | The category assigned to the adjustment. |
Material Category | The specific category within the material categories. |
Troubleshooting issues
Sometimes, you'll find that your adjustments are not costing as you expect them to. When this occurs, please refer to our article on how to troubleshoot common material adjustment issues for detailed guidance on how to resolve.
Material adjustment FAQ
Below are some common questions and answers about material adjustments:
- No FAQ questions yet - we're working on it!