About pricing tiers

Learn how to configure different product prices with our pricing tiers feature.

Pricing tiers allow for different markups for specific situations - for example, you might have different markups for your Etsy marketplace sales vs. your wholesale agreements. 

Tiers also allow you to set multiple price points for your products and variations, allowing you to see markups and margins across the different situations in which you sell.

In this article we'll cover:

Price Points

A Price point is a particular price set for a product Pricing Tier. This allows you to set different prices for your products. 

For example, if you have a product with a Retail Price of $20 and a Wholesale Price of $15, then you would create two pricing tiers: Retail and Wholesale. On your product page, you would then configure a price point of $20 for the Retail tier and $15 for the Wholesale tier.

Price Points can also be imported for a Pricing Tier via a spreadsheet.

Locate your pricing tiers page

To find your Pricing Tiers page:

  1. Hover your mouse over the settings icon in the top right-hand corner of the page.

  1. Select Pricing Tiers from the options that appear.

Tip: Click the pricing tier name in your pricing guidance display to jump directly to this page.

Add a pricing tier.

Pricing tiers are created automatically when you connect to an available integration. You can also add manual pricing tiers to handle situations such as consignments or wholesale. 

You can learn more about adding a pricing tier here.

Add a price point.

Once you have a pricing tier in place, you can then add price points for the tier to each of your products. This can be done individually or in bulk via a CSV import process.

Learn how to add a price point manually

Markup percentages

Each of your pricing tiers can be configured with a different markup percentage. Markup is the amount added to your production cost to arrive at a selling price. It is a commonly used technique to determine how much to charge for your products.

More details on calculating markups can be found in our blog post here: How to calculate pricing markups for your products.

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