Add, change, or remove a pricing tier

In this article, we'll cover:

Adding a Pricing Tier

  1. Navigate to your Pricing Tiers page (How do I find my Pricing Tiers page?)
  2. Click the Add Pricing Tiers button on the page that appears.

  3. Enter the Name of the Tier. This should be a name that represents the pricing; common examples are Retail and Wholesale. If it is a tier for a specific consignment location, you can name it the same as the consignee.

  4. Select a Color Key - the color shown in your Pricing Guidance for the tier.

  5. Set your Markup Percentage and any Listing or Commission fees involved.

  6. Click the Save button.

Changing a Pricing tier

  1. Navigate to your Pricing Tiers page
  2. Click on the edit button of the Pricing tier you would like to change.

  3. Make your changes to the form that appears
  4. Click the Save button

Removing a Pricing Tier

  1. Navigate to your Pricing Tiers page
  2. Click on the Pricing tier you would like to remove.
  3. On your far right, click Delete.

  4. On the page that pops up, click on Yes, Delete to confirm.

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