About locations
Learn how locations allow you to track your stock across different physical places.
Locations can be added to represent each of your consignees - this allows you to assign stock to the location and track sales from this source, giving you a complete picture of your consignment stock activity.
A code and name are required to uniquely identify each location you create. Address details and notes can also be configured for each location.
Stock can be allocated to a Location via a Transfer.
You can add as many locations as you wish.
We'll Cover
- Finding a list of all locations
- Assigning a location to an order
- Find all products currently consigned to a location
- Create a pricing tier for a location
Finding a list of all locations
To find a list of all Locations:
- Hover your mouse over the ⋮ menu in the top navigation bar
Select Locations from the list that appears
Assigning a location to an order
Sales made from consignments can be tracked by assigning a location to the order. This will reduce the Available stock and increase your sold count for the location.
To assign a location for a new order:
- Navigate to your Locations page
- Hover your mouse over the ⋮ menu next to the location you wish to add the order for
Select Add Order from the options that appear - the order form will appear with the location pre-filled in the Location field.
For existing orders, you can edit the order and assign the location via the search box called "Location".
Find all products currently consigned to a location
To generate a report of all products currently consigned to a specific location:
- Navigate to your Locations page.
- Click on the location name to go to the detail page
Open the ⋮ menu to the left of the title and click the Product Report option
Find all current locations for a product.
To generate a list of locations that your product is currently consigned to:
- Navigate to your Product or Variation detail page
Click on the Locations tab
- A page will load containing a list of all locations where your stock has been transferred to and the current stock level of each.
Create a pricing tier for a location
Pricing Tiers can be set for any Location - this can be useful when your prices are different for specific consignees.
To set a pricing tier for a Location:
- Navigate to your Locations page
- Select the location where you would like to configure a pricing tier for
- Click the Edit button that appears on the right-hand side of the page
On the form that appears, select the tier from the Pricing Tier dropdown list
- Click the Save Location button at the bottom of the form.
Note: New Pricing Tiers cannot currently be added via the Location form. If you need to add a new tier, follow the instructions here: How do I add a new Pricing Tier?