About variations

Learn how to track product differences in Craftybase.

Variations can be used to track small differences in a product, for example, sizes or colors. You can create as many variations under a single product as you need, thus allowing you to track overall sales and manufactures for products and variations.

We'll cover

Creating variations

Variations are created by combining together unique combinations of your variation attributes. They can be manually created or imported automatically from many of our supported Integrations.

For a detailed tutorial on how to manually create a variation, please see our Introduction to Variations.ยป

Understanding variation attributes and values

Attributes group together sets of values - an example of an attribute would be "Color" or "Shape." 

Values are each possible option for an attribute - an example of values for the Color attribute above would be "Red", "Green" and "Blue".

How do I add a new Variation Attribute Value?


The Star Sweatshirt product has two configuration options: Size and Color. In Craftybase, the Variation Attributes would be:

Size: Small | Medium | Large

Color: Red | Green | Blue

A Variation of the Star Sweatshirt product would be Size: Small | Color: Red

Renaming variations

Variations are automatically named based on the variation attributes configured. 

If you would like to change the name after this point, you can do so by changing the value in the Name field on your Edit Variation page.

Understanding variation base sale price

The Base Sale Price is the price you usually charge for the specific variation.

This price is used as the default price for all orders you create for the variation (this price can be changed per order) and is also displayed in the Pricing Guidance section.

How do I set the Sale Price for a Variation?

Demoting a product to a variation

Unfortunately, it's not possible to demote a product to a variation at this time.

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