About variation attributes

Learn how to configure and import variation attributes for your products.

In this article we'll cover:

Understanding Variation attributes

Variation Attributes are the configuration properties available for your product.

Each attribute contains one or more Variation Attribute Values.

The Woodland Creatures Sweatshirt Product has two customization options: Size and Motif. In Craftybase, the Variation Attributes could be:

Motif: Grasshopper | Ladybird

Size: Small | Medium | Large

Specific combinations of Variation Attributes are considered Variations in Craftybase.

A Variation of the  Woodland Creatures Sweatshirt Product is Size: Small | Motif: Grasshopper

To add new Variation Attributes, please see How do I add a new Variation Attribute?

Viewing all variation attributes configured for a product

To find the Variation Attributes page for a product:

  1. Navigate to the product page (How do I find my product page?)
  2. Click the Variations tab.

  3. On the page that appears, click the Manage Attributes button.

  4. The list that appears is your Variation Attributes page for this product.

Handling non-inventory attributes

If you have variation attributes on an integration that you don't wish to track within Craftybase, you can restructure them so that they don't create variations containing the attribute. This will allow you to track your stock in the way that makes the most sense to you.

To do this, you'll need to merge all variation attribute values within the unneeded attribute together so that only a single value remains. Rename this to "None" (or something that represents the grouped attribute).

This will reduce the number of variations to the ones you wish to track. Your "ignored" variation attribute will still exist on each variation as your default value, but because there is only one value, it will not produce multiple combinations.

For example, I imported two variation attributes, "Shape" and "Color," from Etsy. 

I have four variations currently created from orders and manufactures I have made:

  • Variation #1: Triangle | Blue
  • Variation #2: Triangle | Red
  • Variation #3: Square | Green
  • Variation #4: Square | Blue

If I wish to track only the Shape attribute, I can merge all attribute values under Color to a single value of "None."

This will mean I now have the following variations:

  • Variation #1: Triangle | None
  • Variation #2: Square | None

From this point, if I import an order for any color, the stock will only decrease for the Shape variation.

Note: once variation attribute values are merged together, they cannot be unmerged, so this solution is not recommended if you think you may need to track this attribute within Craftybase at a later date.

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