About Stocktakes

Learn how to undertake regular physical counts of your stock using the Stocktake feature.

Stocktaking is the act of physically counting your stock. Doing this regularly will allow you to see your exact stock on hand and identify any issues with your production processes. Craftybase allows you to take stock of your materials and products.

For a detailed tutorial on Stocktakes, please see our Introduction to Stocktaking.

Stocktaking is available in our Studio and above plans.

We'll cover

Cycle Counting

As Craftybase is perpetual inventory software, stocktakes should be created regularly throughout the year using a Cycle Count approach. This means that instead of counting all stock at the end of the year, you will count small samples weekly or monthly to ensure you are accurate with your usage and purchase records.

Creating a stocktake

Stocktakes can be created via the Stocktake area. From there, you can select criteria to generate a list of either your materials, components or products to count. When the stocktake has been generated, a page will display to allow you to enter your physical count. 

Add, change, or remove a material stocktake

Add, change, or remove a product stocktake

Note: Components are considered materials for the purposes of stocktaking and are included in all stocktake lists generated.

Any differences in your count will be added automatically as an Inventory Adjustment, and your accuracy will be calculated and presented as an accuracy rating. This will let you know if any of your stock differences require further investigation.

For more information on why inventory stocktaking is important to your business, download our free Stocktaking Strategies for Handmade Success eBook.

Understanding the 'Last Stocktake Before' feature

The 'Last Stocktake Before' feature in the stocktake form is designed to help you identify items not included in previous stocktakes up to a specified date. By selecting a date, you should be able to focus on items that have not been checked since that date.

To add this:

  1. Navigate to the Stocktakes page via the ⋮ icon located in your top navigation menu and select Stocktakes
  2. Select Stocktakes. This page will be where your complete history of stocktakes will appear.

  1. Click the + Add Stocktake button that appears in the top right-hand corner of the page to add a new Stocktake.

  1. On the Add Stocktake form, after configuring the stocktake type, sampling method, categories, and total count size, scroll down to the Last Stocktake Before option.
  2. Click on the calendar icon to select the 'Last Stocktake Before' date.

  1. Click the Generate Items to Stocktake button. This will take you to a new page, where your list will begin generating. If your sample size is quite large, this can take a couple of minutes to complete.

Each stocktake item will be shown in a row on the table. Depending on the stocktake generated, the materials or products displayed will display the number of items that have not been counted since the Last Stocktake Before date.

Stocktake Accuracy Ratings

The stocktake accuracy rating calculates a percentage score and overall rating based on how close your Craftybase stock on-hand numbers were to your actual physical count. It is designed to give you a better idea of your accuracy between stocktakes to determine if your process needs to be improved.

A score is assigned based on the following:

Accuracy Score Notes
0 Perfect Your physical stock was exactly the same as your calculated stock on hand in Craftybase.
+/- 2% Very Good Your stock numbers deviated by -2% to 2%
+/-5% Good Your stock numbers deviated by -5% to 5%
+/-10% Okay Your stock numbers deviated by -10% to 10%. In this situation, you may wish to review your stock adjustment and manufacture history to see if improvements can be made.
Above +/-10% Review Your stock numbers deviated by more than 10%. Depending on the material, this could indicate that you may need to review your stock adjustment and manufacture history to determine the cause.
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