Connect your Amazon store

To connect your Amazon / Amazon Handmade account with Craftybase:

  1. Go to your Integration page (How do I find my Integration page?)
  2. On the page that appears, click the Add Amazon button inside the Amazon integration section.
  3. This will take you through the authentication process on Amazon Seller Central. 

This page describes what information Craftybase can access from your Amazon account. Select the check box and click Confirm to authorize Craftybase to access your data.

We request only the minimum of access that we require in order to offer our service and can only access data that you have granted us access to. Additionally, our access to your data can be revoked by you at any time via Amazon Seller Central. 

4. When successfully authenticated, you will be returned to your Integration list page and your Amazon shop should now appear in the list.

Note: Craftybase currently supports Amazon-US. Other regions may be added in the future.

Migrating over to the new Amazon Selling Partner API

Starting on August 1, 2022, Amazon is sunsetting their Marketplace Web Service for their Selling Partner API. Craftybase will be supporting this new service from this date, and as a result, all existing Amazon users will have to migrate their Amazon Integration over to the new feed. Because of this, we will need to deactivate your existing Amazon integration as this will not be able to connect to the new Selling Partner API using the credentials we have on file, and new credentials will need to be issued for us to access your Amazon shop feed via the Selling Partner API.

To migrate your Amazon / Amazon Handmade Marketplace Web Service connection in Craftybase to the Selling Partner API connection:


This migration is designed to move your existing shop over to the new Selling Partner API, you don't need to delete your connection beforehand, as this will remove all your shop data from Craftybase and put all your inventory numbers out.

2. Follow steps 1- 4 listed above to reauthenticate with the new Amazon connection.

3. Craftybase will now match the new connection against your existing connection details and update the details of the Amazon Integration. The existing Amazon connection will be reactivated and able to connect to the new Amazon Selling Partner API service. If the connection has been inactive for a period of time, then the auto import will backdate to the last completed import to ensure that all data is imported and up-to-date.

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