Updating products via CSV

Learn how to update multiple products in bulk using our import feature

Keeping your product information up to date is essential for efficient inventory management. The Product Bulk Update feature allows you to update multiple products at once using a spreadsheet, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

The Bulk Update feature is available only on STUDIO and above subscription plans.

To use the Product Bulk Updater:

  1. Go to your Product List page and apply searches or filters to generate the list you require.

  2. Click the Export button in the top right of the list.

  3. Next, head to your Notification page to download the generated file.

    Tip: Make a copy of the file that downloads (so that you have a backup in case you wish to revert) and then edit the other in your spreadsheet program.

  4. Once your spreadsheet is ready, you'll need to export it as a CSV file. CSV stands for "Comma Separated Values," which means the export will contain your data in rows, with each column value separated by a comma. The process to export as CSV varies depending on your spreadsheet program. Here are instructions for some popular programs:
  5. Return to your Products List and hover over the ⋮ icon next to the header. Next, select the Bulk Update Products option in the menu.

Product attributes that can be imported by the bulk updater are:

  • Code / SKU Name / Title
  • Category
  • State
  • Base Unit Price
  • Auto Manufacture?
  • Sale Batch Quantity
  • Low Stock Limit Quantity
  • Starting Quantity
  • Starting Material Unit Cost

NOTE: Additional columns will show the current stock quantities for each of your integrated e-commerce platforms. Based on the stores you have connected, our product export file will include additional fields such as:

      • shopify_stock_qty
      • etsy_stock_qty

These values can be used to help calculate the value to be entered in the "starting_quantity" field.

Fields that cannot be updated:

It isn't possible to update the following attributes via the bulk updater as these are calculated automatically by Craftybase:

  • Stock on Hand
  • Stock Consigned
  • Stock Available
  • Stock Shipped
  • Manufacture Count
  • Sold Count
  • Base Sale Cost

Bulk updates cannot be undone automatically. If an error occurs, you will need to manually correct each product or perform another bulk update.

Bulk Update Products FAQ

Why can't I update stock levels using the bulk update feature?

Stock levels are automatically calculated in Craftybase based on manufacturing, sales, and material usage. You cannot manually adjust stock levels via bulk updates.

What file format should I use for the bulk update?

You must upload a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. This ensures that Craftybase can correctly process your data.

Want to learn more?

  • If you have any questions about your products, feel free to take a look at the Products Section.
  • Are you encountering any issues while updating your products? Feel free to reach out to us via email at help@craftybase.com or click here.
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