How do I find a Listing page?

There are a number of ways available to locate your listings. For more information on what Listings are and how they are managed in Craftybase, check out our help article: About Listings.

We'll cover:

To find a Listing within a Product:

  1. Navigate to the Product currently linked to the Listing (How do I find a Product page?).
  2. Click the Listings tab

  3. On the Listing page that appears, click the Listing you wish to view.

To find a listing by Integration:

  1. Navigate to your Integration page
  2. Select your shop name from the integration you wish to view.

  3. Select the Listings tab

  4. On the Listing page that appears, you can either click the Listing you wish to view or use the filters on the left-hand side of the page to locate a specific listing. You can use the listing ID, product name, or keyword to search, as well as filter by Listing State.

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