Introduction to Pricing

This tutorial shows you how the pricing guidance is calculated and how to configure both your pricing tiers and price points.

We'll cover

This tutorial should take approximately 16 minutes to complete.

What is pricing guidance?

As you track your material inventory, we monitor your total current material costs to produce your products.

Our pricing guidance feature thus calculates your estimated sale prices using the percentage markups you have configured for each pricing tier you create.

Your pricing guidance is displayed under the heading "Pricing" on both your product and variation pages. For the example above, this is an Etsy pricing tier with no price point currently configured (as it is appearing as $0.00).

The guidance section suggests a price of $29.22, which is calculated directly from the current material cost of this product's recipe. (If you haven't yet created a recipe for your product, you'll want to complete the Introduction to Recipes tutorial first, then come back to this step.)

The material cost is then used along with the configured Markup for the tier, which is set as 150%.

This particular pricing tier has a commission fee configured, which is factored into your margin.

As this tier is an Etsy Pricing Tier, the pricing guidance will also automatically factor in listing, transaction, and Direct Checkout fees.

As a quick primer, a markup of 150% does not equate to a profit margin of 150%; it is the amount you multiply the base (cost) price by to arrive at your desired price. A 0% markup is essentially the cost price, and 150% is essentially 1.5x the cost price.

These suggestions will be constantly recalculated with our latest information about your recipe. If your material costs increase, your pricing suggestions will also increase.

This allows you to continuously review your pricing strategy to ensure you make the desired margins.

An important note is that our pricing guidance is designed specifically to ensure that you factor your manufacture costs into your prices, so it's wise to use this data only as a starting point for your final pricing strategy.

Configuring Overhead

Overheads can be factored into your pricing guidance via the Pricing section on your Account Settings page (How do I find my account settings page?).

Your overhead amount can be configured as a percentage (%) or a fixed cost ($).

Percentage overheads are calculated from each product's total material + labor cost.

Fixed costs are added to your total material and labor costs for each product.

For guidance on how to calculate an accurate overhead amount to use for your business, please see our blog post here: How to calculate overheads into your product pricing.

Configuring your pricing tiers

Connecting your Integrations will automatically create preconfigured pricing tiers for you; however, if you'd like to add others, you can do so via your Pricing Tiers area. To find this area, hover your mouse over the tools icon in the top right-hand corner of the page and then select Pricing Tiers from the options that appear.

Tip: Click the pricing tier name in your pricing guidance display to jump directly to this page.

The Pricing Tier form will allow you to configure the Name of the Tier. This should be a name that represents the pricing; common examples are Retail and Wholesale. If it is a tier for a specific consignment location, you may wish to name it the same as the consignee. Next, select a Color Key - this is the color shown in your Pricing Guidance for the tier a

nd can be useful to identify your pricing tiers in the guidance list quickly.

Finally, set your Markup Percentage. This is how much your base cost (including overhead) will be multiplied to arrive at your recommended pricing. 0% markup is essentially the cost price, and 150% is essentially 1.5x the cost price. If any Listing or Commission fees are involved in the sale, you would also like to factor in, these can be configured directly below.

Have some questions?

If you have any additional questions, please contact us; we'll be happy to help.

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