Export orders

In this article, we'll cover:

To download your Orders:

  1. Go to your Orders list page.

  2. In the table pagination area, click the link labeled Export.

  3. Wait for the file to download, then open the file in your spreadsheet program to edit.

To download your Order Line Items:

  1. Go to your Orders list page.

  2. In the menu along the left side of the page, under the Tools heading, click Export Order Items.

  3. Wait for the file to download, then open the file in your spreadsheet program to edit.

If you would like to export specific data only, you can use the Filter Menu options on the left side of the page. Once your selections are made, select Filter, and only the data from the selected categories will be displayed. From there, you can then export it as explained above.

After clicking Export, you can click the bell icon on the upper right-hand side of the screen.  This will access your notifications tab and provide a link to download the CSV file.

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