About order manufacturing

Learn how you can better track the manufacture status of your orders.

Order manufacture tracking allows you to set an order's manufacture status, allowing you to see at a glance what has been made and what needs to be made next.

What you'll need:

In this article we'll cover:

How Order Manufacture Tracking works

When enabled, a new column will be visible on your order list page to show if the order has been marked as manufactured. You can also filter your list by manufactured status via the options on the right-hand side of the page.

Each order will also display the manufactured date as part of your summary status timeline at the top of your order details page.

Switching on Order Manufacture Tracking

To turn on order manufacture tracking:

1. Go to your account settings page ( How do I find my account settings page?)

2. On your Settings page, scroll down until you find the  Track Manufacture Dates for Orders? checkbox and ensure that the checkbox is checked.

3. Click the Save Details button at the bottom of the form to confirm the change.

Associating manufactures with orders

It's also possible to directly associate manufactures to an order. This provides a traceability path between a batch manufacture and an order.

If all manufactures associated to an order are marked as Completed, the parent order will automatically be updated as manufactured.

Marking an order as manufactured

To mark an order as manufactured:

  1. Navigate to the edit page for your order (Learn how to edit an order).

  2. Select the date it was manufactured in the Manufactured Date box on the form that appears.

  3. Click the Save Order button.

Orders are automatically marked as manufactured when shipped; however, they will be missing a manufacture date. If you wish to enter a manufacture date after the order has been shipped, follow the instructions above.

Marking multiple orders as manufactured

Manufacture dates can also be updated in bulk from the Order List page.

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