About Traceability

Learn how to configure your purchases, manufactures and orders to create full traceability of your materials through to sale.

Our traceability features can be used to track the products you make to the exact customer you sold them to. You can further expand on this traceability by tracking your materials from purchase to manufacture, thus creating a complete history of raw material purchase to finished product sale.

Available in Indie+ plans

In this article:

Achieving full traceability between materials and products

To achieve full traceability within Craftybase, you'll want to ensure that you create and add Lot Numbers to all purchases and manufactures that you enter into the system (How do I track Lot Numbers for my materials?).

To track your orders from manufacture to sale, you can link your orders with the exact batch manufacture that created the product sold. More information about this feature can be found here: How do I link a Manufacturer with an Order?

Our Material Traceability Report can then be used to create a full traceability summary of material usage, displaying all purchases, manufactures, and orders involving a particular lot of a material.

Associating manufactures with orders

To link a manufacture with an order line item:

  1. Navigate to your Order page by clicking on the order code on your Orders list page.

  2. Click on the Manufactures tab.

  3. You'll see a list of all line items within the order on the page that appears. A search box for each will appear in the Manufactures column. You can search for manufactures by code, or click the + icon at the end of the textbox to add a new manufacture for this product/variation.
  4. Click the Save Manufactures button to save the links.

Note: Linking a manufacture with an order line item will not change how material costings are applied to the order. These costings will still use the rolling average calculated from all adjustments for the product/variation.

Using our Lot Tracking feature for traceability

A lot number is an identification number assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material. This can be either a code provided by the material vendor or your own creation. Lot numbers are useful for GMP and traceability as they can provide a full audit trail between your material purchases and the products you sell.

Read more about our Lot Tracking feature

Traceability FAQ

Can I track inventory for GMP purposes using Craftybase?

Craftybase offers features that allow for tracking your exact material usage from purchase to sale. This is ideal for situations in which full manufacturing activity is required to be logged, such as for GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).

Entering lot numbers for all material purchases, and ensuring that you have nominated the correct lot numbers when manufacturing will ensure that you have full transparency on your raw material usage. Tracking your manufactures via batch codes will also ensure you have the information you require in order to create an instant product recall when required.

Can I track inventory for GPSR purposes using Craftybase?

Craftybase offers features that allow you to track your exact material usage from purchase to sale, making us a perfect solution for ensuring GPSR compliance.

Entering lot numbers for all material purchases, and ensuring that you have nominated the correct lot numbers when manufacturing will ensure that you have full transparency on your raw material usage. Tracking your manufactures via batch codes will also ensure you have the information you require in order to create an instant product recall when required.

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