How do I move a listing to a new product?

Listings can be moved to different products. This will move the listing to a new nominated product and also move all orders and expenses that have been imported via this listing.

Need help locating a listing? Check out our help article here: How do I find a Listing page?

In some cases, merging products is a better option as it will also archive the old product once all references have been moved across.

To move a listing to a new product:

If you do not already have a product to move the listing to, you will need to create a new product

  1. Navigate to the listing you wish to move to (How do I find my Listing page?)
  2. Click the Move button in the top right-hand corner of the page

  3. On the page that appears, Choose the product you wish to move the listing to

  4. Click the Yes, Move Listing button to confirm the move.

Note: Any variation attributes linked to the listing will be duplicated on the new product but will not be deleted on the old product. After the move is complete, you will need to manually merge or delete these if necessary.

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