User account FAQ

In this article, we'll cover:

Why can't I log in even after creating an account?

If you have already completed the Invitation process and cannot log in, please follow the instructions to reset your password here: How do I reset my password?

Why haven't I received my invitation email?

  1. Firstly, check if you have received your Invitation Email. If it hasn’t arrived in your Inbox, try checking your Spam box to ensure it hasn’t been delivered there by mistake.
  2. If you are sure you haven’t received your Invitation Email, contact the administrator of your Craftybase account and ask them to resend your Invitation Email. Instructions to resend an invite for Administrator users

Ensure that you only sign up through the invitation process to join as a secondary user on an existing account—if you sign up for a separate account, your email address will be linked to this account and will not be available to use as a secondary user for another account.

For security reasons, your Invitation Link is only active for 48 hours and will no longer be usable after this time, so please contact your Craftybase administrator user to resend your Invitation email if your link has expired.

Check if your account has been successfully registered – it may be that your account has been created, so you should now be able to log in here.

What should I do if I need some more time on my trial?

We want to ensure that all of our customers are completely happy with what we offer before they decide to subscribe, so if you need more time on your trial, we’re always happy to extend it—just contact us, and we’ll do the rest.

What should I do once I receive my Invitation Email?

  1. Once you receive your email, click on the link inside to create your account.
  2. You will first be taken to a page to set a password for your account – ensure you remember this password, as this password will be required to log in to Craftybase in the future.
  3. Once your password has been set, you should now have full access to the shared account.
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