Add, change or remove a user

Learn how to add, change and remove users for your Craftybase account

If you need to share access to your Craftybase account, we recommend creating an create an additional user for your account. Additional users have full access to all features of Craftybase but cannot see or change any account-level settings. 

Learn more about user access permission settings in Craftybase

We'll Cover:

Add a user

To add a new user to your account:

  1. Navigate to your Users list (How do I find my Users list?)
  2. Click on the Add User button in the top right corner.
  3. On the form that appears, enter the name and email address of the user you wish to invite to join your account.
  4. Set any user permissions you would like to apply for the user.
  5. Click the Invite button and an invitation email will be sent to the email address you just entered for the user. This user will now appear in your users list. 

The user must follow the instructions outlined in the Invitation email to fully activate their account before they can access the system – for a troubleshooting guide, please see this article: I’m having trouble joining a Craftybase account as a new user.

Change user details 

The Admin can modify the following details: Name, Email Address, View Access, and Role for secondary users.

To edit details for a user:

  1. Navigate to your Users page
  2. Hover over the ⋮ icon next to the user name you wish to change the details for.
  3. On the form that appears, you can change the user name and/or email address.
  4. Click the Save button.

This will change your email address to log in, and all system emails will be directed to this address in the future.

If you are the primary account holder and wish to update your billing email address, follow the instructions: How do I update my billing address?

Remove a user

To delete a secondary user:

  1. Navigate to your Users list (How do I find my Users list?)
  2. Click the trash icon next to the user you wish to remove.

Resend an invite to a user.

To resend an invite to a secondary user you have already invited to join your account:

  1. Navigate to your Users list (How do I find my Users list?)
  2. Click on the Reinvite button next to a user in your users list. A new invitation link will be generated and sent to the user. 

Remember that the user must follow the instructions outlined in the Invitation email in order to fully activate their account – for a troubleshooting guide please see this article: I’m having trouble joining a Craftybase account as a new user!

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