About the order Manufacture Picklist report

The Order Manufacture Picklist Report shows the current and projected stock levels for all materials required to produce all products for a specific order or multiple orders within a specified date range. This report is useful for checking how many products can be made to fulfill orders using the current stock available and also allows you to make better purchasing decisions.

This report is available in STUDIO+ plans.

In this article:

How to find this report

Navigate to the Reports area, then click on the Order Manufacture Picklist report under the Orders heading.

How to generate a picklist for a specific order

You can filter this report to view data for a specific order by entering the order code in the field in the top left corner. This will return all materials required to create all products within the specified order.

How to generate a picklist for all orders within a time period

To generate a picklist for all orders within a specific time period, select the date range from the Placed Date filter. This filter will return all materials required to create all products for all orders in the date range.

Factoring in your available on-hand product

If you'd like, you can also exclude existing product stock from the report results so that the report only tallies quantities of materials for the product that needs to be made. To factor in current product stock, please make sure that you have the Exclude On Hand Product checkbox selected in the filter area.

As a simple example, let's say you have an order for 3 x products ("Product A"). Product A requires a quantity of 2 units of a material ("Material A") to create. The product currently has two units in stock.

Selecting the Exclude On Hand Product checkbox would calculate the amount for Material A required as four, as only one additional unit needs to be made to fulfill this order.

Unselecting the checkbox would change this calculation to 6 as it will not factor in the existing stock on hand and will assume all manufactures need to be created.

How to run the report

Once you make your filter selections, click Run Report.

What information is available in this report?

SKU The SKU for the material required.
Name The name of the material required.
Before Available The total quantity available of the material before the projected manufactures required to fulfil the order(s) are factored in.
Required The total quantity available of the material required to make the specified products in the order(s). If the Exclude On Hand Product is checked in the filter, the required amount will factor in any existing product stock (see above for an example).
After Remaining

The total quantity available of the material after all products in the order(s) have been manufactured.

This calculation is: Before Available - Required = After Remaining.

i.e. If the Exclude On Hand Product is checked in the filter, this calculation will only show the remaining material stock after the required manufactures.

This report can be downloaded as a print-friendly PDF or as a CSV in a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Accessing the Expand Components Filter

By enabling the expand components filter, you can generate a comprehensive list detailing all the unique materials needed to fulfill orders, including those nested within components, while factoring in your available on-hand product. This means you can obtain a consolidated view of the precise inventory requirements across multiple orders.

The filter is located next to the 'Placed Date' filter.

This feature is available in INDIE+ plans.

An example of how the feature works is described below:

Product A has the following recipe:
  • Component B - 50 grams (i.e., 5 x batch recipe)
  • Material A - 10 grams
  • Material C - 20 grams

Component B has the following recipe (batch recipe makes 10 grams):
  • Material D - 7 grams
  • Material A - 3 grams

Order 1234 was placed on 5th October:
  • 2 x Product A

If "Order 1234" is entered into the search for the Order Manufacture Picklist Report and Expand Components is not checked, the following results should be shown:

Component B
50 grams
Material A
10 grams
Material C
20 grams
If "1234" is entered into the search for the Order Manufacture Picklist Report and Expand Components is checked, the following results should be shown:

Material A
(3 x 5 + 10) = 25 grams
Material C
20 grams
Material D
(7 x 5) = 35 grams
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