Material cost troubleshooting

Zero material unit costs 

Material unit costs are calculated from your starting adjustments and any stock changes made to the current date. 

If your unit cost of the material is zero, you'll want to review your adjustments history for the material to see if you can find the cause. The usual reasons for a zero-cost situation are either that your material has no stock change history or can be due to a starting quantity of stock with a zero unit cost.

If you are adding in stock via a starting adjustment and this stock needs to be costed, when adding a material, make sure you put in the cost per unit of the material in the box labeled "Unit Price."

If you are trying to add further quantities of existing material, make sure you add a purchase for the material and not just an adjustment. Adjustments, where you add stock to the system, will always cost zero as they cannot be accounted for. See the article for more information: Adding a new purchase

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