Enter manufacture information for a recipe

Learn how to enter manufacture information for your recipe.

In a recipe, you can provide manufacture information to get a clear picture of the cost and time it takes to create a batch of your product. 

Craftybase lets you set:

  • Manufacture batch quantity: minimum number of products you can create with your recipe
  • Estimated batch manufacture time: number of minutes it takes to create a batch of your product

Enter a manufacture batch quantity

To enter a manufacture batch quantity for a recipe:

  1. Click and choose a recipe from your recipe list.
  2. Click Edit to make changes to the recipe.
  3. Enter the number of products you can create and sell in the Manufacture Batch Quantity field.
  4. Click Save Recipe.

Enter an estimated batch manufacture time

To enter an estimated batch manufacture time for a recipe:

  1. Click and choose a recipe from your recipe list.
  2. Click Edit to make changes to the recipe.
  3. Enter the number of minutes it takes to create a batch of your product in the Batch Manufacture Time (Estimated) field.
  4. Click Save Recipe.

The estimated batch manufacture time is the default value when you add a manufacture. If it took more or less time to create a batch of your product, you can enter the total labor time in the manufacture details.

Get help

If you're still having trouble setting manufacture information for a recipe, contact Craftybase Support for help.

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