Updating variations via CSV

Variations can be updated in bulk via the Variation Bulk Update feature. This feature allows you to update variations from a spreadsheet. 

The Bulk Update feature is available only on STUDIO and INDIE subscription plans.

To use the Variation Bulk Updater:

  1. Go to your Product List page
  2. Apply the Display: Variation filter and any custom searches or filters to generate the required variations list.

  3. Click the Export button in the top right of the list.

  4. Make a copy of the file that downloads (so that you have a backup in case you wish to revert) and then edit the other in your spreadsheet program.
  5. Export your file back into CSV ( How do I export my spreadsheet as CSV?).
  6. Return to your Products List and hover over the ⋮ icon that appears next to the header.
  7. Next, select the Bulk Update Variations option that appears in the menu.

Variation attributes that can be imported by the bulk updater are:

  • SKU 
  • Name
  • Base Unit Price 
  • Low Stock Limit
  • Starting Quantity 
  • Starting Material Unit Cost 

It isn't possible to update the following attributes via the bulk updater as these are calculated automatically by Craftybase:

  • Stock on Hand 
  • Stock Consigned 
  • Stock Available 
  • Stock Shipped 
  • Manufactures Count 
  • Sold Count 
  • Base Sale Cost
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