Connect Quickbooks with Craftybase

Our Quickbooks integration is currently in closed beta. Please get in touch for more details.

Learn how Craftybase exports data to Quickbooks.

This article will guide you through how to connect to Quickbooks, and what types of data we export to Quickbooks from Craftybase.

Quickbooks is an online bookkeeping and accounting suite for small businesses. Our Craftybase ➝ Quickbooks integration allows you to automatically export COGS and inventory valuation data from Craftybase to Quickbooks whenever an order is created, modified, or cancelled.

Our Quickbooks integration is currently available in Growth+ plans.

In this article, we will cover:

Connect to Quickbooks

To connect your Quickbooks account to Craftybase:

  1. Go to your Integration page (How do I find my Integration page?)
  2. On the page that appears, click the Connect button inside the Quickbooks platform section.

  1. This will take you through the authentication process on Quickbooks.
  2. When successfully authenticated, you will be returned to your Integration list page, and your Quickbooks integration should now appear in your list.

Connection Troubleshooting

If you are having issues connecting Quickbooks to Craftybase:
  • Check that your version of Quickbooks has inventory enabled (as COGS and inventory valuation accounts will not be present otherwise). Inventory features are generally only available for QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced.
  • Check that the user creating the connection has Quickbooks admin access (or is the main account owner).
  • Ensure that the currency you configured in Quickbooks is the same as the base currency configured in Craftybase.

Configuring your COGS Ledger Accounts

To ensure Craftybase posts generated COGS values to the correct accounts in Quickbooks, it's important to configure your COGS and Inventory Asset accounts. This can be done on the Edit integration form.

Inventory Asset
This will default to 12100 - Inventory Asset if found. If your Inventory Asset account is configured differently in your Quickbooks account, you'll want to change this to the correct account.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
This will default to 50000 - Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) if found. If your COGS account is configured differently in Quickbooks, you'll want to change this to the correct account.

Exporting COGS and Inventory Asset data to Quickbooks

Once you connect and configure your Quickbooks integration, each time an order is created, modified, or deleted in Craftybase, a corresponding journal entry in Quickbooks will be created or modified.

Order Shipped Journal Entry Created
Order Material Cost Changed Journal Entry Updated
Order Cancelled / Deleted Journal Entry Removed

Only Journal Entries within the unlocked date range in Quickbooks will be updated.

How Quickbooks Journal Entries are Posted

A JournalEntry in Quickbooks must have at least one set of two Line elements that balance each other out: one for the debit side and one for the credit side describing the entry.


Craftybase Order ID
"Automatically generated by Craftybase."
Craftybase Order Shipped Date


[nominated COGS account name]
[nominated COGS account ID]
Total Material Cost for Order
[nominated Inventory Asset account name]
[nominated Inventory Asset account ID]
Total Material Cost for Order
Each automatically generated Journal Entry will decrease the inventory value and increase the COGS cost in the connected Quickbooks account.

Viewing Quickbooks Export History

A full history log of exports from Craftybase to Quickbooks can be viewed on the Integration History tab.

Export history for a specific order can be viewed on the History tab for the Order.

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