About the Orders Summary report

The Orders Summary report shows a breakdown of all orders placed within the specified time period. This report uses the Accrual method to determine which orders should be returned within the period.

Note: The purchase tallies in this report are estimated and should not be reported for tax - please refer to your Schedule C report for exact COGS and inventory valuations.

We'll cover

Finding this report:

  1. Navigate to your Reports page.

  2. Click on the Orders Summary report under the Orders heading.

Running this report:

  1. Select the date range you wish to view from the  Date Range boxes.
  2. Select the Run Report button.

Report Breakdown:


Item Subtotal Total of all items sold, not including tax, shipping, discounts, or adjustments.
Discount The total amount of discounts applied to all orders in the time period.
Adjustments The total amount of adjustments applied to all orders in the time period.
Adjusted Item Total Your item total after discounts and adjustments are applied.
Tax The total tax component of all orders in the time period.
Shipping The total shipping component of all orders in the time period.
Grand total The Adjusted Item Total, including Tax and Shipping components.
Total Income, excluding tax Grand total amount with Tax component removed.


Estimated Materials Cost

This number is generated from the value of your recipe when each order is created in the system. Please note that this figure should be treated as an estimate only and should not be reported for tax.


Order Purchases

All purchases logged in the time period that were directly associated with an order.


Est. Gross Profit  Your estimated profit after expenses and costs are factored in.
Est. Gross Margin Your estimated margin after expenses and costs are factored in.
Total orders The number of orders placed within the time period selected.

This report can be downloaded as a print-friendly PDF or a CSV in a spreadsheet for further analysis.

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