Add, edit, or merge categories

Learn how to add or make changes to a category, and merge categories to organize your category list. 

A category classifies materials, products, orders, or purchases with similar qualities in Craftybase. Categories can be added for products, materials, orders, and purchases.

What We'll Cover

Add a category

Categories can be added when creating products, materials, orders and purchases. They can also be added directly via the Categories pages. 

To add a category:

  1. Hover your mouse over the slider icon in the main menu and choose Categories in the dropdown menu that appears.

  2. Click Add Category and give it a unique code, name, description, or color.

  3. Click Save.

To add a material, product, order, or purchase to a category, click Edit > Additional Details and enter the correct category name in the Category search field.

Edit a category

To make changes to a category:

  1. Go to the Categories page.
  2. Choose the correct type of category (for example: Product Categories).
  3. Click the edit icon beside the category.
  4. Enter the new details (for example: rename the category or enter a new code) of the category. Then save your changes. 

Merge categories

Merging categories is permanent. You won't be able to revert this change.

To remove a category, you can merge it with another category:

  1. Go to the Categories page.
  2. Click the checkbox beside the categories you'd like to merge.
  3. Choose the category to merge into in the drop-down menu. Then click Update.

Delete a category

To delete a category, merge it with another category using the instructions for merging above. 

Need more help?

If you're having more trouble adding or merging categories, contact Craftybase Support for help.

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