Jewelry Manufacture Workflow Examples

A series of diagrams for jewelry makers showing common Craftybase manufacturing flows.

Basic Stone Pendant Necklace

This diagram shows the simplest manufacturing flow for a jewelry situation, where the base materials are combined together via manufacturing into a final product. The wire, stone, and chain can be combined together into a recipe for the necklace for use in future batches, or alternatively, they can be added directly to the manufacture each time.

Stone Pendant Necklace with Stone Variations

For a situation where you have a necklace with a range of different stones available, you can create a component for the base necklace (i.e., the wire, clasp, and chain assembly) and then manufacture each stone variation. This allows you to maintain your base necklace recipe in a single place.

Stone Pendant Necklace with Packaging Variations

This flow demonstrates how you can use components to handle any packaging steps required to complete your product.

Note: Any specific packaging for shipment (bubble wrap, etc) should be handled outside of the manufacturing process in Craftybase.

Creating bundles / sets of your products

In this example, we demonstrate how to create a situation where you need to bundle different soap products together. Both the Lemon soap and Rose soap is manufactured as a component so that they can be either sold individually or as part of a set.

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