About resale products

If your product line contains externally-made products, you can still track these in Craftybase if required.

To do this, you'll need to enter the product as a material so that it is included in your inventory. You'll then need to manufacture the material into a product. This will move your material cost up to the product level.

We'll cover:

If you are importing your products from an e-commerce platform, you should structure this manually by adding the material to the imported product's recipe. If you are not importing your products from an integration, you can use the Resale Product workflow to create this structure quickly.

To manually create a resale product:

  1. Load your resale products into Craftybase as Materials.
  2. Create a resale product for the material by navigating to the material and selecting the Create Resale Product option on the top menu (or quick menu if you are on the material list view page).

This option will create a matching product for the material and then automatically create a recipe with the material. This provides you with the 1-1 linkage you need between your resale material and product. If you are on a plan that supports the Auto Manufacture feature, this option will also be selected for you automatically (you can switch this off at any time if you wish to do this stage manually).

To set up imported products as resale items:

  1. Load your resale products into Craftybase as materials.
  2. Navigate to the applicable product and Add a Product Recipe. Add the matching material to the product recipe.
  3. Now, you'll need to enter a manufacture whenever you need to move the stock to the Product level to fulfill orders.

An example: Jake sells craft supplies, and one of his products is Green Ribbon. To track this as a product in the system, he needs to:

  1. Create a Material called “Green Ribbon”.
  2. Navigate to the material and select the Create Resale Product option to create the product and recipe structure.
  3. When purchasing more “Green Ribbon,” he would then create Purchases to increase the material stock of the product.
  4. To move the raw material inventory stock to his saleable product stock, he would create a Manufacture. This can be automated if required using the Auto Manufacture feature.
  5. Whenever the resale product is sold, Jake would then create an Order.
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