What is the Associated Type for an Expense category?

The Associated Type is used to determine the types of items added under this category can be linked to.

There are two choices: Material or Other

Material Associated Type

If a category is set to have an Associated Type of Material, any expense item added to the system using this category will need to be associated with a Material. You can add as many Material categories as you wish.

When a material associated type category is selected on the expense form, you will be able to select a material in your list to link it to. If the material is inventoriable, then the stock will be automatically increased as a result of this expense and included in your COGS calculations. If the material is non-inventoriable, then the expense will be treated as a indirect expense and not included in COGS.

Other Associated Type

If a category is set to have an Associated Type of Other, any expense item added to the system using this category can be associated to a Product, Order or can be left unassociated. 

The associate expense item feature is only available for categories that are marked as Other.
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