Export or print your recipes

Learn how to print a copy of a recipe or export all your recipes from Craftybase.

Craftybase lets you print a copy of a single recipe or save a list of your recipes to your computer.

Export your recipes list

Craftybase exports to the .csv format.

  1. Click and choose Recipes in the main menu.
  2. Click Export Recipes in the Tools section of the sidebar menu.
  3. Save the .csv file to your computer or open the file with your preferred spreadsheet app.

In the exported file, you'll see the products, variations, manufacture batch quantities, manufacture minutes, materials, and notes you've added in Craftybase.

Print a copy of your recipe

To print a copy of your recipe:

  1. Click and choose Recipes in the main menu.
  2. Choose your recipe from the list.
  3. Click Print on the top-right side of the recipes page.

Need more help?

If you're having trouble printing a recipe or exporting your recipes list, contact Craftybase Support for help.

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