Switching External Attributes on Variations

External attributes are what link your variations to your sales channels. This feature is best used when variation attributes were accidentally merged or if variation attributes were imported incorrectly from your sales channel.

To switch the external attribute, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the variations page of the product you are wanting to change.
  2. Click the Manage Attributes button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the variation value you are wanting to change.

For example, you have an item variant that has the incorrect attribute Accent Color: Silver when it should be Accent Color: Gold.

In this case, the variation value that you want to change would be Silver.

On the next page, you will want to click on the pencil icon that has the name 'Gold.' Sometimes this will be on more than one reference.

From here, you can see the attribute attached is Silver. You can then change it so that it is the correct Gold attribute.

Once you select the correct attribute, click Save.

You can repeat this for any variations that are attached to the wrong external reference.

Need more help?

If you need more help going through this process or understanding this feature, please contact Craftybase Support for help.

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